Methods To Restore Missing Teeth With Dental Implants

When it comes to fixing missing teeth, many people think of using dental bridges or dentures to get the job done. However, dental implants can be an effective way to do this same job. Here are some methods that can be used for restoring missing teeth with dental implants. One Tooth Method When you're only missing one tooth, you can still use a dental implant to fix that gap and restore your smile. [Read More]

Dental Care In Your Twenties And Thirties

Dental care is something that you should prioritize no matter what age you are. Failure to take care of your teeth and gums can lead to tooth decay and gum disease, both of which can be very painful and expensive to treat. Not paying enough attention to dental care can also lead to tooth loss. As we enter into adulthood, it's easy to let going to the dentist and taking care of your teeth fall to the wayside; however, doing so can lead to major consequences. [Read More]

Words Of Wisdom: 3 Interesting Facts About Wisdom Teeth

As you age and develop, teeth will erupt over many years. Between the ages of 17 and 21, a third set of molars may erupt. Known as wisdom teeth, these molars are often misunderstood until complications arise because of their development. Using this guide, you will learn a few interesting facts about the wisdom teeth and learn if and when your set of these molars will need to be removed. [Read More]

The Development And Treatment Of Cavities

Cavities are one of the most common issues that affect smiles. Not only do they develop in 42 percent of children between the ages of 2 and 11, but cavities are also common in adults. Even though so many people have been affected by them, most people do not understand the development of cavities. With this guide, and your dentist's help, you will understand how cavities form and what treatment options are available to you. [Read More]